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What is an MCB?

MCBs are widely used as isolating components in domestic, commercial, and industrial settings. They form part of a broader family of more powerful circuit-breaking components.
An MCB is designed to protect against both overloading and short-circuiting. These are detected differently using separate processes. Overload protection is provided by the bimetallic strip using thermal operation, whereas short-circuit protection is provided by the tripping coil via electro-magnetic operation.
An MCB is an automatically operated electrical switch. Miniature circuit breakers are intended to prevent damage to an electrical circuit as a result of excess current. They are designed to trip during an overload or short circuit to protect against electrical faults and equipment failure.

How Does a Miniature Circuit Breaker Work?

Mini circuit breakers are triggered by overcurrent – electrical current that exceeds a designated safe current and makes use of a relatively robust mechanical mechanism designed to minimise failures and false alarms.
Excess current causes the bimetallic strip within the MCB to heat, bend, and trip. This releases a switch that moves the electrical contact points apart to confine the arc (electrical discharge). The arc is divided and cooled by an insulated metal strip called the arc chute. The contacts close again once the fault has been fixed and the MCBs are reset.
An MCB is designed to protect against both overloading and short-circuiting. These are detected differently using separate processes. Overload protection is provided by the bimetallic strip using thermal operation, whereas short-circuit protection is provided by the tripping coil via electro-magnetic operation.

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